Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Dispersion Effect

I found a tutorial on Youtube for editing photographs to give it a dispersion effect. I thought this would work well with my photographs and fit in with my theme of 5 senses/food and inside, outside, in between as it makes it look like the insides of the food are spilling out.

1.Open image in Photoshop.
2. Select the subject in the picture, copy into a new layer. Hide background layer.
3. Create a new layer and paste again, slightly off set it and adjust the brightness darker and contrast higher.
4. Create a new layer and paste again, stretch the image to the edge of the document.
5. Reorder them so that the original layer is at the top and the stretched image is at the bottom. Select the stretched layer and add a layer mask. Fill the layer mask black. Change the brush tool to a splatter brush, change the colour to white. Click with the different splatter brushes where the image would be.
6. Select the off set layer. Add a layer mask. Fill the layer mask black. Change the brush tool to a splatter brush, change the colour to white. Click with the different splatter brushes where the image would be.

7.Select the original image. Add a layer mask. Fill it white. Change the brush tool to a splatter brush, change the colour to black. Click with the different splatter brushes around the edge that connects to the other splatter marks.
8. (optional) Add a gradient background of its main colours and add a lens flare.
The cake didn't work that well as you can see the chocolate cake beneath the custard and there is an edge to the splatter marks where the cake finishes in the other layers. To improve this I would make sure that the cakes were in line and the the colours follow on from one another.
I took my comments from the first one I did forward into my second one. I made sure that the dispersion went all the way to the edge and that the colours followed on. In some areas there may be a small amount of colours where they shouldn't be but I don't think its that noticeable.
The jelly is my favourite edit as it is the more realistic one of the three. I like the way the disperse is spreading and the colours. The fact that it is all one colour, red, it makes it look like blood splatter which adds to the gruesomeness. 

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