Wednesday 19 December 2012

Second Film

This is the second film I took. I chose Croydon to take photographs of because this is not typically what you think of when you think of Croydon and would not expect it from Croydon. I wanted to show what is beyond the eye and the history that people avoid to notice. All of these buildings are above the shops in Croydon. With their ornate decoration and intricate brick work it makes you appreciate the history of the buildings. Its a shame to know that what they used to be are no longer around and instead they are transformed into a quick place which you cannot appreciate.

I first did a contact sheet to see what each image looks like and to see the contrast of each. I then did a test strip of one image to see what exposure time I needed for the film strip. Some images needed slightly different exposure time that only varied by a couple of seconds. I am pleased with the photographs that I took and they portray what I wished to. My favourite image is of the lace and gloves decoration on the building. Its one of the things you never notice when you're in Croydon and it shows the history of the shop which has completely changed.

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